The Madhya Pradesh government on Monday (20.12.2021) appointed senior IAS officer Anupam Rajan (IAS:1993:MP) as the new Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of the state in place of Veera Rana (IAS:1988:MP).
Rana has been posted as the Chairman of the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) in place of Rashmi Arun Shami (IAS:1994:MP).
Shami, who is a Principal Secretary of the School Education Department, was holding the office of MPBSE Chairman as an additional charge.
The state government in a separate order on Monday night posted senior IAS officer Kalpana Shrivastava (IAS:1992:MP) as the Principal Secretary of the Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare Department.
On Saturday, Shrivastava was transferred in a sudden and surprising manner as PS of Horticulture Department and posted at the State Secretariat without any assignment, leading to speculation that she was removed from her post for probing alleged onion seed scam in the department, the sources said.
Agriculture Production Commissioner (APC) Shailendra Singh (IAS:1988:MP) has been given the additional charge of the Higher Education Department in place of Rajan, who was posted as the Chief Electoral Officer.