Empanelment of 19 IPS officers at DG/DG equivalent level in GoI.

Goverment of India has cleared empanelmemt of 18 IPS officers of 1985 batch to hold Director General/Director General equivalent level rank posts at the...

8 officers of 1986 batch empanelled as Additional Secretary in GoI

The Modi goverment announced empanelment of 8 officers of 1986 batch, belonging to IES, IDAS, IFoS, IRAS and IPS cadre as Additional Secretary or...

34 IPS officers empanelled as ADG/ADG equivalent in GoI

Modi goverment on thursday has empanelled 34 IPS officers(33 officers from 1987 and 1 officer from 1986 batch) to hold Additional Director General/ Additional...

Foreign assignment of P K Sinha as Director, IACA, Laxenburg extended

The tenure of foreign assignment of Pawan Kumar Sinha (IRS-C&CE:1988) as Director of Academic Programmes in the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA), Laxenburg, Austria has...

35 IPS officers of 1988 batch empanelled as ADG in GoI

The Modi goverment has approved the empanelment of the following officers of 1988 batch of Indian Police Service for holing Additional Director General/ Additional...

IPS Rashmi Shukla empanelled as Joint Secretary in GoI

Rashmi Shukla (IPS:1988:MH) has been empanelled for holding the post of joint Secretary or equivalent at the Centre.

IPS Sonali Mishra empanelled as joint Secretary

Sonali Mishra (IPS:1993:MP) has been empanelled for holding the post of joint Secretary or equivalent at the Centre.

Four IPS officers of 1993 batch empanelled as Joint Secretary

Four IPS officers of 1993 batch have been empanelled for holding the post of Joint Secretary or equivalent at centre. following are the names of...

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