Over 2,400 posts of IAS and IPS officers are lying vacant in the country. Yes, you read it right. Thousands of candidates take the UPSC exam every year to get into IAS and IPS, but very few are successful. Despite the huge interest, you will be surprised to know that as many as 2,400 IAS and IPS posts are currently vacant.
As many as 1,449 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) posts or 22.11 per cent of the sanctioned strength of 6,553 are vacant. There are 970 vacancies in the Indian Police Service (IPS) or 19.64 per cent of the total 4,940 posts. Revealing this information on Friday, Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh, in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha, said there are over 2,400 posts of IAS (Indian Administrative Services) and IPS (Indian Police Services) officers vacant in the country.
On the question over when these posts would be filled, Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh says the occurrence of vacancies and its filling up is an ongoing process.
Every year the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission), conducts written exams and interviews for various vacant posts of IAS, IFS, IRS and others. Under the exam, aspiring candidates have to clear three levels — preliminary, mains and personality test or interview — to become eligible for these top-level administrative services.