The Tripura government took the initiative on August 18 to restructure the administrative setup of the state by issuing transfer and posting orders for 7 IAS (Indian Administrative Service) officers.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows :
- Abhishek Singh (IAS:2006:TR), Secretary, Urban Development Departments will also hold the additional charge of Power Department and Ex-officio Chairman, TSECL. He is relieved from the charge of Labour (Including ES&MP) and GA (AR) Department.
- Apurba Roy (IAS:2006:TR), Secretary, Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare and GA (P&T) Departments with additional charges of Director, SIPARD, will also hold the charge of Finance Department including Audit. He will also hold the charge of Member Tripura VAT Tribunal in addition.
- Brijesh Pandey (IAS:2004:TR), Secretary to the Government, has been relieved from the charge of Finance and Power Departments including Audit. He is relieved from the additional charges of Ex-officio Chairman, TSECL and Member, Tripura VAT Tribunal.
- Saradindu Choudhury (IAS:2007:TR), Secretary, Education (School & Higher) and Home (excluding Jail and Fire & Emergency Services) Department is relieved from the charge of Education (School) Department.
- T K Debnath (IAS:2009:TR), Secretary, Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC), has been transferred and posted as Secretary, Labour (including ES & MP) Department. He will also hold the additional charge of Secretary, TPSC.
- Raval Hamendra Kumar (IAS:2011:TR), Special Secretary with independent charge of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, will also hold the charge of Education (School) Department, independently.
- A K Bhattacharya (IAS:2011:TR), Special Secretary, GA (AR) and Revenue Departments with independent charges of Revenue (RR&DM), Home (Fire & Emergency Services), GA (SA) and GA (Pohtrcal) Departments with additional charges of Director, Relief, Rehabilitation & Disaster Management, Director, Civil Defence. Director, Fire & Emergency Services, Tripura, Agartala will also hold the charge of GA (AR) Department, Independently.
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