SC Collegium reiterates recommendation to transfer Justice Nani Tagia of Gauhati HC

The Supreme Court Collegium has reaffirmed its previous recommendation, originally dated August 23, to transfer Justice Nani Tagia from the Gauhati High Court to the Patna High Court, with the aim of enhancing the administration of justice.


The Supreme Court Collegium has reaffirmed its previous recommendation, originally dated August 23, to transfer Justice Nani Tagia from the Gauhati High Court to the Patna High Court, with the aim of enhancing the administration of justice.

Justice Tagia had submitted a request to the SC Collegium, seeking either to remain at one of the benches of the Gauhati High Court or to be transferred to the High Court of Tripura.

After careful consideration of Justice Nani Tagia’s request, the Collegium has determined that there is no substantial merit in his plea. Consequently, the Collegium has chosen to reassert its initial recommendation. This decision was communicated through a resolution published on the official website of the Supreme Court on Thursday (24 August).

The Collegium, presided over by Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud, disclosed that it sought input from other justices within the Supreme Court who possess familiarity with the operations of the Gauhati High Court. Additionally, consultations were held with the Chief Justices of both the Gauhati High Court and the Patna High Court regarding this matter.

Click here to see Collegium Recommendation

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