SC Collegium recommends appointment of Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh as Chief Justice of Tripura HC

The Supreme Court Collegium on Tuesday (07.02.2023) recommended the appointment of Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh as Chief Justice of Tripura High Court following the retirement of Justice Jaswant Singh.


The Supreme Court Collegium on Tuesday (07.02.2023) recommended the appointment of Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh as Chief Justice of Tripura High Court following the retirement of Justice Jaswant Singh.

The Collegium had recommended on January 25 the appointment of Justice Jaswant Singh, currently a judge at the Orissa High Court, as Chief Justice of the Tripura High Court. Since he will be retiring on February 22, the Collegium recommended Aparesh Kumar Singh’s appointment.

Also Read : SC Collegium recommends two more names for SC Judges

The collegium in September 2022, had already recommended the transfer of Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh to the Tripura High Court. He is currently the acting Chief Justice of the Jharkhand High Court.

The resolution explained that the State of Jharkhand is unrepresented among High Court Chief Justices, which led to the recommendation of Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh.

Also Read: SC Collegium recalls recommendation to make Justice Jaswant Singh Orissa Chief Justice

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