The Haryana government on Wednesday (01.11.2023) issued transfer and posting orders for seven IAS officers. These officers have been relieved of some of their previous charges while retaining a few, and new responsibilities have been assigned to them.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows :
- Sudhir Rajpal (IAS:1990:HY), Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), School Education Department, ACS, Cooperation Department and ACS, Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Department, has been transferred and posted as ACS, School Education Department, ACS, Civil Aviation Department and ACS, Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Department.
- Dr. Raja Sekhar Vundru (IAS:1990:HY), ACS, Housing for All Department and ACS, Civil Aviation Department, has been transferred and posted as ACS, Housing for All Department and ACS, Cooperation Department.
- Vijayendra Kumar (IAS:1995:HY), Principal Secretary, Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Department, Principal Secretary, Sainik & Ardh Sainik Welfare Department and CEO, Haryana Saraswati Heritage Development Board, has been transferred and posted as Principal Secretary, Youth Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Department, Principal Secretary, Sainik & Ardh Sainik Welfare Department and CEO, Haryana Saraswati Heritage Development Board.
- T L Satyaprakash (IAS:2002:HY), Director General, Town & Country Planning and Secretary, Town & Country Planning Department and CEO (Designate) of Drone Imaging & Information Systems of Haryana Ltd. (DRIISHYA), has been transferred and posted as Chief Administrator, Haryana Shaheri Vikas Pradhikaran, Panchkula, CEO, Panchkula Metropolitan Development Authority, Panchkula, Director General, Housing for All and Secretary, Housing Department, Chief Administrator Housing Board and CEO (Designate) of Drone Imaging & Information Systems of Haryana Ltd. (DRIISHYA).
- Ashima Brar (IAS:2004:HY), Director General, Urban Estates and Director General, Medical Education & Research and Secretary, Medical Education & Research Department, has been transferred and posted as Director General, Secondary Education and Secretary, School Education Department, State Project Director, Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojana Parishad and Director Director General, Medical Education & Research and Secretary, Medical Education & Research Department
- Anshaj Singh (IAS:2008:HY), Director, Secondary Education and Secretary, School Education Department, State Project Director, Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojana Parishad, has been transferred and posted as Director, Ayush, Director, Foreign Cooperation and Secretary, Foreign Cooperation Department.
- Amit Khatri (IAS:2011:HY), Managing Director, Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd., Director, Archaeology & Museums and Secretary, Archaeology & Museums Department, has been given additional charge of the posts of Director, Town & Country Planning and Secretary, Town & Country Planning Department and Director, Urban Estates.
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