The Modi government on Monday (11.07.2022) gave approval to the empanelment of 12 officers from various services for holding Joint Secretary or Joint Secretary equivalent posts at the Centre. These include officers from Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS), Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers (IRSME), Indian Economic Service (IES) and Indian Telecom Service (ITS).
The list of officers include:
- Sanjay Kumar Jain (IPS:2002:AGMUT)
- Asif Jalal (IPS:2002:AGMUT)
- Indu C Nair (IRAS:2001)
- Pradeep Kumar Jittuka (IRSME:1998)
- K K Tripathy (IES:1999)
- Shakil Alam (IES:2001)
- Surbhi Jain (IES:2001)
- Deepu N Salim (ITS:1990)
- Sanjeev KUmar Sharma (ITS:1990)
- Nitin Chayande (ITS:1990)
- Amit Singal (ITS:1990)
- Suresh Puri (ITS:1990)
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