Punjab : Six IAS officers shifted


The Punjab government on Friday (01.10.2021) issued transfer and posting orders of six IAS officers.

The names of the officers and their postings are as follows :

  1. Seema Jain (IAS:1991:PB) : Additional Chief Secretary-cum-Financial Commissioner, Forest and Wild Life with additional charges of Additional Chief Secretary, Food Processing, Additional Chief Secretary, Horticulture and Additional Chief Secretary, Soil & Water Conservation.
  2. Dhirendra Kumar Tiwari (IAS:1994:PB) : Financial Commissioner, Agriculture & Farmers Welfare with additional charge of Principal Secretary, Jail.
  3. Tejveer Singh (IAS:1994:PB) : Principal Secretary, Investment Promotion with additional charges of Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce, Principal Secretary, Information Technology and Principal Secretary, Governance Reforms & Public Grievances.
  4. Rahul Bhandari (IAS:1997:PB) : Secretary, Rural Development and Panchayats.
  5. Rahul Tewari (IAS:2000:PB) : Secretary, Printing & Stationery with additional charge of Special
    Principal Secretary to Chief Minister.
  6. Rajesh Dhiman (IAS:2014:PB) : MD, Punjab State Cooperative Bank Limited.
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