The Punjab government on Thursday announced the appointment of senior advocate Gurminder Singh as the new Advocate General (AG) of the state. He will succeed Vinod Ghai, who resigned from the position citing “personal reasons” on Wednesday.
Gurminder Singh becomes the third Advocate General since the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) took control of the state in March 2022.
The resignation of Vinod Ghai, who had assumed the role in July 2022, had been anticipated for some time. The state government had been considering his replacement due to legal setbacks in certain cases, particularly those related to the dissolution of panchayats and home delivery of atta, in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.
Vinod Ghai, a prominent criminal lawyer, took office in July 2022, succeeding senior advocate Anmol Rattan Sidhu, who was the first Advocate General in the Mann government. Sidhu resigned on July 19, 2022, citing differences over the selection of law officers and other issues.