The Punjab government on Friday (07.06.2024) transferred eight IPS officers across the state. According to the orders, Mr. Kuldeep Chahal (IPS:2009:PB) and Mr. Swapan Sharma (IPS:2009:PB) were brought back as the Commissioners of Police of Ludhiana and Jalandhar, respectively. The two officers had been transferred from their places of posting by the Election Commission when the model code of conduct for the June 1st election was imposed.
The names of the officers and their places of postings are as follows;
- Nilabh Kishore (IPS:1998:PB), Commissioner of Police, Ludhiana, has been transferred and posted as ADGP, STF, Punjab, SAS Nagar.
- Dr. S Boopathi (IPS:2007:PB), DIG, Jalandhar Range, Jalandhar, has been transferred and posted as DIG, Administration, Punjab, Chandigarh.
- Rahul S (IPS:2008:PB), Commissioner of Police, Jalandhar, has been transferred and posted as Director, Vigilance Bureau, Punjab, SAS Nagar.
- Ranjit Singh (IPS:2008:PB), DIG Ferozepur Range, Ferozepur, has been transferred and posted as Commissioner of Police, Amritsar in place of Gurpreet Singh Bhullar.
- Swapan Sharma (IPS:2008:PB), available for posting, has been transferred and posted as Commissioner of Police, Jalandhar in place of Rahul S.
- Kuldeep Singh Chahal (IPS:2009:PB), available for posting, has been posted as Commissioner of Police, Ludhiana in place of Nilabh Kishore.
- Ajay Maluja (IPS:2009:PB), DIG, STF, Bathinda Range, Bathinda, has been transferred and posted DIG, Ferozepur in place of Ranjit Singh.
- Harmanbir Singh Gill (IPS:2010:PB), Commandant 75th Battalion, PAP, Jalandhar, will look after the work of DIG Jalandhar Range, Jalandhar.
- Gagan Ajit Singh (PPS-DR), SSP, Sadak Surakhya Force (SSF), Punjab with additional charge of Commandant, 2nd Commando BN, Bahadurgarh, Patiala, has been posted as SSP, Sadak Surakhya Force (SSF), Punjab.