Punjab : 09 IAS officials transferred


The Punjab government on Thursday issued transfer and posting orders of 09 IAS officers in the state.

The names of the officers and their postings are as follows :

  1. Vipul Ujwal (IAS:2009:PB) : Joint Development Commissioner (IRD) in addition Special Secretary, Rural Development & Panchayats in addition Commissioner, NREGA and in addition Mission Director, MGSVY.
  2. Sonali Giri (IAS:2009:PB) : DC, Ropar and in addition Chief Administrator, Sri Anandpur Sahib Development Authority.
  3. Isha (IAS:2009:PB) : Special Secretary, Water Supply & Sanitation in addition Additional CEO, Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion and in addition Member Secretary, Punjab State Welfare Commission.
  4. Sumeet Jarangal (IAS:2009:PB) : MD, Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation.
  5. Gurpal Singh Chahal (IAS:2010:PB) : DC, Mansa.
  6. Ms. Apneet Riyait (IAS:2011:PB) : DC, Hoshiarpur.
  7. Mohammad Ishfaq (IAS:2011:PB) : DC, Gurudaspur in addition Chief Administrator, Dera Baba Nanak Development Authority.
  8. Vishesh Sarangal (IAS:2013:PB) : ADC, Development, Jalandhar.
  9. Palavi (IAS:2015;PB) : ADC, Development, Amritsar.

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