The Madhya Pradesh government on Monday (07.08.2023) issued assigned additional responsibilities to four IAS officers.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows :
- Ajay Katesria (IAS:2012:MP), Deputy Secretary, Women, and Child Development Department, has been given additional charge of MD, Women Finance and Development Corporation, Bhopal.
- Sanjay Kumar Jain (IAS:2015:MP), Deputy Secretary, Public Assets Management Department and Additional MD, MP Public Assets Management Company, MD, MP State Road Transport Corporation, Bhopal, CEO, Inter State Transport Authority, Bhopal, has been given additional charge of one more Department of Sports & Youth Welfare.
- Sheetla Patle (IAS:2014:MP), Deputy Secretary, Chief Minister with additional charge of Project Director, MP Skill Development Project, Bhopal, has been given additional charge of Director, Skill Development.
- Shersingh Meena (IAS:2014:MP), Additional Collector, Jabalpur with additional charge of Additional Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Jabalpur, has been given additional charge of Deputy Transport Commissioner, Jabalpur.
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