Five IAS officers of Delhi government were reshuffled by Lt Governor Anil Baijal on Thursday.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows :
- Mukesh Prasad (IAS:2007:AGMUT) : Member (Administration), Delhi Jal Board.
- Tanvi Garg (IAS:2009:AGMUT) : Deputy Commissioner, New Delhi, Revenue Department in addition Deputy Commissioner (HQ), Revenue Department.
- Madhup Vyas (IAS:2000:AGMUT) : Secretary-cum-Commissioner, Develoment.
- Padmini Singla (IAS:2002:AGMUT) : Secretary, Power.
- S.N. Mishra (IAS:2002:AGMUT) : Director, UTCS with additional charge of Secretary, Service will also look after the charge of Special Secretary, Vigilance.
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