Maharashtra: Ranish Seth appointed Chairman of MPSC, next DGP yet to be announced

The strong speculation surrounding Rashmi Shukla's appointment as the next Police Chief was further fueled by State Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar, who took to Twitter (now X) on Thursday to congratulate IPS officer Rashmi Shukla on her supposed appointment as the state Director General of Police (DGP). However, he later deleted this tweet. Ms. Shukla is on central deputation as Director General (DG) of SSB


Speculations are rife in the corridors of power in both Maharashtra and Delhi regarding the identity of the next Director General of Police (DGP) for Maharashtra. This heightened curiosity stems from the recent formal appointment of the incumbent DGP, Rajnish Seth (IAS:1988:MH), as the Chairman of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) on Thursday. While Seth has not yet stepped down from his role as DGP, it is widely anticipated that he will do so in the coming days to take up his new position.

However, the million-dollar question on everyone’s mind is why there seems to be a delay in announcing the name of the next DGP. Initially, it appeared almost certain that Seth’s batchmate, Rashmi Shukla (IPS:1988:MH), would be his successor. In fact, an official announcement regarding her appointment was apparently imminent just a couple of days ago. The strong speculation surrounding Rashmi Shukla’s appointment as the next Police Chief was further fueled by State Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar, who took to Twitter (now X) on Thursday to congratulate IPS officer Rashmi Shukla on her supposed appointment as the state Director General of Police (DGP). However, he later deleted this tweet. Currently, Ms. Shukla is on central deputation as Director General (DG) of SSB.

Despite the seemingly clear indications that the stage was set for the appointment of a new DGP, the actual announcement has been noticeably delayed. The reasons behind this delay remain shrouded in mystery, leaving many to wonder why the appointment of the next DGP has not been officially confirmed yet.

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