Judhistir Behera selected as Director, THDC India Ltd.


Judhistir Behera, Chief Finacial Officer, THDC India Limited has been selected for the post of Director (Finance) THDC India Limited , at a Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) meeting held on June 04, 2019.

The following 06 applicants were interviewed in the selection meeting :

1. Judhistir Behera : Chief Financial Officer, THDC India Limited.
2. Atul Bhushan Goel : General Manager, THDC India Limited.
3. Narendra Kumar Gupta : General Manager, NTPC Limited
4. Pradip Kumar Das : Director (Finance), India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC).
5. Kamlesh Kumar Jangid : General Manager (COMMERCE), Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited.
6. Aditya Sen : General Manager (F&A) Internal Audit, West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company.

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