As the countdown for India’s non- permanent membership at the United Nations begins, the Indian Mission there brings in 4 more diplomats. This is being seen as a preparation for the two year term of India’s non permanent membership at United Nations Security Council (UNSC),which starts from January 1,2021 as a two year term.
The four new diplomats being included in the India’s permanent Mission at New York are, R.Ravindra(IFS:1999), Pratik Mathur(IFS:2007), Aashish Sharma (IFS:2009) and Rajesh Parihar (IFS:2009).
P.Ravindra, who is presently a Joint Secretary ( Central and West Africa), will be the new Deputy Permanent Representative at the UNSC Mission and hold the post of Political Coordinator.
The 14 member strong Indian Mission in New York is presently led by Ambassador TS Tirumurti (IFS:1985) Permanent Representative (PR) – and Ambassador Nagaraj Naidu (IFS:1998), Deputy Permanent Representative (DPR), both of which are Ambassador level ranks.
With these 4 new inclusions in the Diplomatic Mission at NY, the total strength of Indian Diplomats serving there will increase to 18. Other Indian diplomats serving there are Amarnath, Mayank Singh, Vidisha Maitra, Yedla Umashankar, Deepak Misra, Paulomi Tripathi, Mijito Vinito, Gopal K Wadhwa with Col Sandeep Kapoor looking into Peacekeeping and Thirugnana Sambandan looking after peace keeping in Police.