The Haryana government on Friday (17.09.2021) issued transferred and posting orders of 05 senior IPS officers.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows :
- Charu Bali (IPS:1995:HY), ADGP/SCB, Gurugram has been given the additional charge of Bhondsi Police Complex, Gurugram.
- Mamta Singh (IPS:1996:HY), IGP/Karnal Range, Karnal has been given the additional charge of IG/STF.
- Amitabh Singh Dhillon (IPS:1997:HY), IG/STF with additional charge of Transport Commissioner, Haryana & Secretary to Transport Department has been posted as IGP/Modernization with additional Charge of Transport Commissioner, Haryana & Secretary, Transport Department.
- Rakesh Kumar Arya (IPS:2003:HY), IGP/Hisar Range, Hisar has been given additional charge of IGP/Personnel, Haryana.
- Mayank Gupta (IPS:2019:HY), on inter-cadre transfer from Assam-Meghalya to Haryana, has been posted as ASP/Kharkhouda (Sonepat).
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