The Gujarat government has recently issued transfer and posting orders for two IAS officers.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows;
- Mayur K Mehta (IAS:2014:GJ), Member Secretary, Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board, Gandhinagar, has been transferred and posted Director of Civil Supplies and Ex-officio Joint Secretary, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. He will hold the additional charge of the post of Managing Director, Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., Gandhinagar.
- PJ Bhagdev (IAS:2014:GJ), Managing Director, Gujarat Unreserved Educational & Economical Development Corporation, Gandhinagar, has been transferred and his services are placed at the disposal of Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply & Kalpsar Department for appointment as Member Secretary, Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board, Gandhinagar. He will hold the additional charge of Managing Director, Gujarat Water Infrastructure Ltd., Gandhinagar.
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