CMDE Mahendra Veer Singh Negi, Commodore, Navy, has been selected to the post of Managing Director, Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Ltd. (CCICI) at a Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) meeting held on March 17, 2020.
The following 05 applicants were interviewed in the selection meeting :
- Sameer Kapoor, Chief General Manager, State Trading Corporation of India Limited (STC)
- Sakthivel Perumalsamy, Executive Director, National Handloom Development Corporation
- MR. SAHAB NARAIN, Director (Finance), National Projects Construction Corporation Limited (NPCC)
- G R Seshagiri Rao, Group General Manager, Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR)
- CMDE Mahendra Veer Singh Negi, Commodore, Navy
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