The Chhattisgarh government on Wednesday (11.12.24) issued transfer and posting orders for four IPS officers across the state.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows;
- Santosh Kumar Singh (IPS:2011:CG), SP, Raipur, has been transferred and posted as Assistant IG, PHQ, Atal Nagar, Nava Raipur.
- Lal Umed Singh (IPS:2011:CG), SP, CM Security, has been transferred and posted as SP, Raipur.
- Suraj Singh Parihar (IPS:2015:CG), SP, Korea, has been transferred and posted as Commandant, 14 Battalion, Dhanora, Baloda.
- Ravi Kurrey (IPS), Commandant, 18th Battalion, Mahendragarh, has been transferred and posted as SP, Korea.
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