The Union cabinet has approved the appointment of a second national judicial pay commission for the subordinate judiciary.The commission will decide on a salary hike for almost 21,000 judges of the subordinate judiciary level.The Commission,is to be headed by retired justice of the Supreme Court J.P.Venkatrama Reddi,will make its recommendations to the state governments preferably within a period of eighteen months.
The Commission aims to evolve the principles which would govern pay structure and other emoluments of Judicial Officers belonging to the Subordinate Judiciary of the country. It will examine the work methods and work environment as also the variety of allowance and benefits in kind that are available to Judicial Officers in addition to pay and to suggest rationalisation and simplification thereof.
It will aim at arriving at a uniform pay scale for the service of judicial officers of the subordinate judiciary throughout the country. The current entry-level salary for a junior civil judge is Rs45,000 while a senior judge gets nearly Rs80,000.