Andhra Pradesh is grappling with uncertainty over appointment of the new police chief for the state. The confusion confounds as there is just a week left for the current Andhra DGP, Dwaraka Tirumala Rao (IPS:1989:AP), to attain superannuation on January 31, yet the process has reportedly not been started for appointment of the new chief of the state police force.
Finding Rao’s successor is crucial as, apart from being the DGP, he also the Managing Director of Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC).
Senior IPS officers vying for the top slot are Madireddy Pratap (IPS:1991:AP), Harish Kumar Gupta (IPS:1992:AP), Ravi Shankar Ayyanar (IPS:1994:AP) and Kumar Vishwajeet (IPS:1994:AP), apart from few others. Madireddy Pratap heads Fire Services as the present DGP, Harish Kumar Gupta is the DGP, Vigilance and Enforcement, Kumar Vishwajeet is the Principal Secretary, Home and Dr. Ravi Shankar is the DGP, Crime Investigation Department(CID).
Our sources has informed us that Harish Kumar Gupta is the frontrunner for the post. As per rules, the State government should submit the list of the DGP rank IPS officers, who have at least six months of service remaining, which should be sent to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) three months before the retirement of the present DGP.
The UPSC has to short list three candidates based on the seniority and merit out of which the State government can appoint one of the short-listed officers as the DGP of the state. It remains to be seen if the state government decides to appoint DGP on ad-hoc basis once again.
Also Read: Andhra Pradesh: Harish Kumar Gupta most likely to be next DGP
Also Read: ECI appoints Harish Kumar Gupta as DGP of Andhra Pradesh
Also Read: Andhra Pradesh: Dwaraka Tirumala Rao appointed new DGP