The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet on Tuesday (30.05.2023) approved the appointments for various Foreign and Captive posts of the Government of India at Deputy Secretary/Director/Joint Secretary level.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows:
- Dr. Jujjavarapu Balaji (IAS:2001:AM) has been appointed to the post of Minister (Agriculture), Embassy of India, Rome, Italy (a Joint Secretary level Foreign Post) under D/o Agriculture & Farmers Welfare for a period of three years. He succeeds B Rajender (IAS:1995:BH).
- Angshumali Rastogi (IRSME:1995) has been appointed to the post of Representative of India in the Council of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Montreal, Canada (a Joint Secretary level Captive Post) under Ministry of Civil Aviation for a period of three years. He replaces Shefali Juneja (IRS-IT:1992).
- Nidhi Mani Tripathi (IAS:2001:MN) has been appointed to the post of Minister (Economic), High Commission of India, London, UK (a Joint Secretary level Foreign Post) under D/o Commerce for a tenure of three years. She will replace Manish Singh (IAS:1997:MP).
- Anand Singh (IAS:2000:KL) has been appointed to the post of Senior Adviser to the Executive Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC, USA (a Joint Secretary level Captive Post) under D/o Economic Affairs for a tenure of three years. He will replace T. Natarajan (IAS:1996:GJ).
- Hemang Jani, Secretary, Capacity Building Commission, has been appointed to the post of Senior Adviser to the Executive Director, World Bank, Washington DC, USA (a Joint Secretary level Captive Post) under D/o Economic Affairs vice Ritesh Kumar Singh (IAS:1996:KN) for a tenure of three years.
- Ponnuraj V. (IAS:2000:KN) has been appointed to the post of Senior Adviser to the Executive Director, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines (a Joint Secretary level Captive Post) under D/o Economic Affairs for a period of three years. He will replace Prashant Goyal (IAS:1993:AGMUT).
- Debjani Chakrabarti (IAS:2002:OD) has been appointed to the post of Minister (Economic & Commercial), Embassy of India, Tokyo, Japan (a Joint Secretary level Foreign Post) under D/o Economic Affairs vice Ms.Mona K C Khandhar (IAS:1996:GJ) for a tenure of three years.
- Dr. Venkatesh Palani Samy (Agricultural Research Service:2007), Senior Scientist, lCAR-lARl, has been appointed to the post of Adviser (Agriculture & Marine Products), Embassy of India, Brussels (a DS/Director level Foreign Post) under D/o Commerce for a period of three years. He will replace Dr. Smita Sirohi, Scientist ICAR.
- Nidhi Srivastava (IAS:2010:AGMUT) has been appointed to the post of First Secretary (Legal), Permanent Mission of India (PMI), World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva (a DS/Director level Foreign post) under D/o Commerce for a period of three years. She succeeds Rakesh Kumar (ITS:2005).
- Sai Venkata Ramana Anhl Das has been appointed to the post of Adviser to the Executive Director, World Bank, Washington DC, USA (a DS/Director level Captive post) under D/o Economic Affairs for a tenure of three years. He will replace Suresh Yadav (IRS-IT:1994).
- Vivek Chaudhary (IES:2011) has been appointed to the post of Counsellor (Economic), Economic Wing, Embassy of India, Washington DC, USA (a DS/Director level Foreign Post) under D/o Economic Affairs for a tenure of three years. He will replace Nilkanth S. Avahad (IAS:1999:PB).
- Bhavesh R. Trivedi (ITS:2000) has been appointed to the post of Director, SAARC Secretariat, Kathmandu,Nepal (a Director level Captive post) under Ministry of External Affairs vice Chanchal Chand Sarkar (IES:1999) for a tenure of three years.
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