As many as 13 DANIPS officers have been transferred and posted at different places in the Government of Delhi.
The names of the officers and their postings are as follows ;
- Vipul Anikant : ACP, Model Town.
- Ajay Kumar : ACP, PCR.
- Manish Ladla : ACP, Bawana.
- Vipin Kumar : ACP, Rohini.
- Prakshay Kumar Singh : ACP, Darya Ganj.
- Veer Singh : ACP, PG Cell.
- Anil Kumar : ACP, PCR.
- Kumar Abhishek : ACP, Kamla Market.
- Vijay Singh : ACP, Punjabi Bagh.
- Manu Himanshu : ACP, Chitranjan Park.
- Manish Jorwal : ACP, DIU.
- Vivek Bhagat : ACP, Samay Pur Badli.
- Sarkari Mihir Pravin Bhai : ACP, CAW Cell
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